we went to the phoenix zoo and met up with some friends - sara and sage (sage goes to the same playgroup as estin so they are good buddies) and misty, kenneth, and violet - unfortunately my group picture didn't turn out very good!
this is my last post of 2007! i've created a new blog for 2008 - www.blip2008.blogspot.com - see you there!!
haha, ok, excuse the goopy eye and drool coming off his chin - i normally try to clean 'em up a bit before taking pictures, but this was just too cute, i had to act fast to get those little rolls!
my little sweetheart is getting so big! he's getting close to crawling already too! for now, he's doing the inchworm thing which usually sends him backwards and away from where he really wants to go!
it was a challenge to get a good picture of all the grandsons with papa pat and grandma jo. there were a few that turned out pretty good though! next year, with more practice, i'll get a perfect one! ;)